Grammar 0 $accept: expression $end 1 expression: expression '-' IDENTIFIER 2 | IDENTIFIER Terminals, with rules where they appear $end (0) 0 '-' (45) 1 error (256) IDENTIFIER (258) 1 2 Nonterminals, with rules where they appear $accept (5) on left: 0 expression (6) on left: 1 2, on right: 0 1 state 0 0 $accept: . expression $end IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 1 expression go to state 2 state 1 2 expression: IDENTIFIER . $default reduce using rule 2 (expression) state 2 0 $accept: expression . $end 1 expression: expression . '-' IDENTIFIER $end shift, and go to state 3 '-' shift, and go to state 4 state 3 0 $accept: expression $end . $default accept state 4 1 expression: expression '-' . IDENTIFIER IDENTIFIER shift, and go to state 5 state 5 1 expression: expression '-' IDENTIFIER . $default reduce using rule 1 (expression)